LEMON QUEEN Sunflower. This is a tall plant that will grow just about anywhere with full sun and weekly water. They call them sunflowers because the flower always faces the sun as it crosses the sky. This strain of sunflower is the branching type which can get 7 feet tall with dozens of flowers 6-8" across with hundreds of sunflower seeds on each flower. Blooms from mid-summer through fall.

The seeds are ready when the flower nods over face first, drops it's petals and starts to turn brown. If you want to save the seed, cut off the flower as soon as it begins to nod, otherwise the songbirds will eat every single seed. Store the flowers in a dry, well-ventilated spot for a week or two, then just rub the seeds off. All sunflowers are easy and fun to grow. Pretty much a carefree plant with big returns. Water once a week if no rain, and that's about it. Thanks for looking! 50+ seeds per order. Thank You!
Helianthus annuus.
Full sun.
Spring, soil temp 70F+.
Annual Sunflowers don't transplant well, direct sow in their permanent spot.
Sow 2 seeds per plant,1/2' deep,24"apart. Keep moist.
Germination 7-10 days.
Thin to 1 best seedling.
Height 7' x 24" Wide.
Medium water. Slow-release fertilizer will increase blooms.
Flowers are yellow. Blooms from mid-summer through fall.