Embark on a botanical journey with our Rocket Larkspur seeds, a delightful addition to your garden that not only boasts vibrant hues but also carries a rich history. Delphinium ajacis, or Rocket Larkspur, originates from the sun-soaked landscapes of the Mediterranean, lending a touch of classical elegance to your garden.

Featuring a spectacular spectrum of colors, Rocket Larkspur stands out with its tall spires of blossoms, ranging from deep blues and purples to delicate pinks and whites. Its distinct vertical growth, coupled with feathery, fern-like foliage, adds an enchanting touch to any garden or landscape, making it an ideal choice for borders, beds, or cutting gardens.

How to Plant from Seeds:

  1. Selecting the Right Spot: Opt for a well-drained area with full sunlight to partial shade, mirroring the plant's native environment.
  2. Seed Sowing: Plant seeds in early spring or late fall directly into the soil, lightly pressing them into the surface and covering with a thin layer of soil.
  3. Watering: Maintain consistent moisture until germination, typically occurring within 14-21 days. Once established, Rocket Larkspur exhibits impressive drought tolerance.
  4. Thin Seedlings: Ensure optimal growth by thinning seedlings, allowing proper spacing.
  5. Care: Provide support for taller varieties and regularly deadhead spent flowers to encourage continuous blooming.