Clean & healthy pets attract everyone and make you spend quality time with them.

But do you find it hard to bathe your puppy properly?

Removing loose fur and completely wiping the dust from them can get annoying for you and the puppy as well.

Use this Pet Bathing Massage Brush to ease the bathing chore.

This brush thoroughly cleans your dog's fur while also massaging its body to keep it comfortable and pleasant — happy pet, peaceful & delightful life.

What you’ll get:

  • Enjoying pet bath time: Pets try to run away from bath time but not anymore. With this soft bathing brush, your pet will love being cleaned and enjoy it to the maximum. You’ll be comfortable to bathe your pet without it making any mess.
  • Healthy & active puppy: When you massage bristles into your dog’s body, they support their blood flow that makes your pet feel better and relieves its anxiety.
  • Soft & non-toxic: Harmless and safe material is used to make this brush. It’s fully reliable and comfortable to use for the puppy and gives it a nice bath.
  • Easy to use: This brush is simple to use. Simply open the airbag, fill it with the pet's soap liquid, and close it again. While bathing your dog, squeeze the airbag to get the soap liquid.
