Enchanted activated manifestation Dittany of Crete Artemis pocket Medallion

Each manifestation pocket medallion is unique and handmade, enchanted and empowered for its named purpose.

Our manifestation Dittany of Crete Artemis pocket Medallion will grant you the following blessings:

Has the power to attract love and ignite passion within your life.

Assists in Astral Projection and Spirit Communication, helps one astrally travel between the physical and spiritual realms.

It will ward off negative energy and protect against evil spirits.

Divination and to enhance psychic abilities, which will help you sense the future.

Goddess Artemis feminine energy to safeguard from harm, assertiveness, self-reliance, spiritual healing, attunement to nature/animals, hunting and wilderness skills, obtain goals.

Ancient wisdom and spirituality.

Increases your connection to intuition, emotions, and the subconscious mind.

Instructions/How to Use your Manifestation pocket Medallion:

1. As soon as it arrives to you, its powers and charged energies need to be bonded to you. In addition, you may further empower it with your own custom intentions related to its enchanted purpose. To do so, hold it in your writing hand for a few minutes focusing on its charged intentions as well as your custom desired outcome, visualizing it as if it has already manifested. The medallion then serves as a physical reminder of this intention and its charged blessings, helping to keep your energy aligned with it.

2. Carry it With You: The most common way to use a pocket manifestation medallion is to carry it with you wherever you go. This keeps the energy of its charged blessings and your intention close to you at all times, helping to align your energy with that of your desired outcome.

3. Meditation: You can hold your pocket manifestation medallion in your hand during meditation. As you meditate, visualize its charged intentions as well as your desires and imagine it being absorbed by the medallion. 

4. Sleep With It: Place the medallion under your pillow while you sleep. This allows your subconscious mind to continue working with the energies and blessings of the medallion, further aligning your energy to it for your manifestations.

5. Use it in a Ritual: You can incorporate your pocket manifestation medallion into a ritual or spell. For example, you might light a candle of a specific color that aligns with its charged purpose and intention, then hold the medallion in your hand and visualize your intentions manifesting.

6. Create a Manifestation Grid: If you have multiple pocket manifestation medallions, you can create a manifestation grid. This involves arranging your medallions in an intuitive pattern that amplifies their energy. You might place a crystal in the center of the grid to further amplify the energy.

We appreciate your interest in our services and are delighted that you have found us. We firmly believe that we have something to offer everyone, regardless of the size or nature of their problems. Our spiritual solutions are designed to help you transform your life for the better.

Enchanted Magnolia has been assisting clients with their manifestations since 2005. As authentic practitioners of both light and dark magickal arts, including spells, spirit summoning, and spiritual guidance, we have served a diverse clientele, including government officials, celebrities, models, and individuals from all walks of life.

If you feel a strong connection or are inexplicably drawn to this listing, we encourage you to trust your inner guidance. Bid with confidence if you are genuinely ready to make positive changes in your life.

In accordance with the updated policies of regarding spiritual items, it is necessary for me to clarify that this listing is exclusively for a personalized photo sent digitally through the message system. The description provided is based on our personal experiences, opinions, religious practices, and beliefs. or purchasing, you are acquiring the personalized photo through the message system, without any metaphysical attributes or guarantees.

 Upon receiving your item, we kindly request that you leave feedback. Our ultimate goal is to ensure your satisfaction, and we strive for 100% customer happiness. If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied, please reach out to us before leaving anything other than positive feedback. We will respond to your message within 1-2 business days.

Important Notice: In compliance with state and federal regulations, it is necessary for me to provide the following disclaimer: The portrayal of energies in the photo is intended to enhance its visual appeal. Please note that all items and services offered are strictly intended for entertainment purposes and are considered curios. We cannot guarantee any magical effects or specific outcomes resulting from the use of our products. It is crucial to understand that our items are not intended to replace medical, legal, financial, or psychiatric care. By making a purchase from us, you acknowledge and accept these terms, thereby releasing Enchanted Magnolia and its affiliates from any liability for any reason whatsoever.

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