CULTURE:Sorrel is a hardy perennial that can also be grown as an annual. Start indoors in cell-type containers sowing 2-3 seeds/cell covering 1/4"

.DIRECT SEEDING:Sow in fertile soil in midspring, seeds 1" apart, 1/4" deep. For bunching thin to 8" apart in rows 12-18" apart. For baby-leaf production sow 12 seeds/ft. and cut entire plants when 3-6" tall. Planting in light shade and keeping the seed stalks cut increases summer quality, but a good crop will re-grow in fall even if plants bolt. Harvest side leaves until plants become well established; later, plants can be cut completely, right above the crown. Plants spread and can be divided.

DAYS TO MATURITY:From direct seeding; subtract about 14 days if transplanting.