Cherry Plum Tree Seedling

  No Shipments to California or Hawaii, Washington State, Oregon 



Breathe life into your landscape with a touch of European charm and a burst of springtime beauty! The Cherry Plum (Prunus cerasifera) boasts a rich heritage dating back to southeastern Europe and western Asia. Cultivated for centuries, this versatile tree offers a unique opportunity to connect with a historical tradition.

Imagine your garden adorned with a cascade of delicate pink or white blossoms in early spring. The Cherry Plum erupts in a breathtaking display, transforming your landscape into a haven for pollinators. But the beauty extends beyond the initial floral spectacle. As summer unfolds, the tree transforms with glossy green foliage, providing welcome shade during hot days.  Come fall, the scene changes once more, with vibrant red or yellow fruit adorning the branches. Plums are sweet-tart and have their best taste when fully ripe, these plums are perfect for creating jams, jellies, and culinary delights, allowing you to savor the taste of history in your own kitchen.

So, plant a Cherry Plum and embrace a legacy of European tradition. Enjoy the captivating display of flowers in spring, the shade and vibrant foliage in summer, and the bounty of fruit in fall. This versatile tree offers something for every season, making it a cherished addition to any landscape for years to come!


These Plants are 12-20 inches tall, may be pruned to fit into 26 inch mailing tube.