Moonstone in oils of Coconut and Hyacinth … Love, Divination, Psychism, Sleep, Protection, Moon Goddesses

1/2 ounce bottle of high quality Sun's Eye brand oil.

Genuine gemstones in oils that are compatible with the qualities of the stones. There is magical, chakra and traditional information on each label.

Sun’s Eye Oils are made from aromatic herbs, blossoms, leaves, spices, woods, resins and essential oils. When a carrier base is required, soybean is used. They do not use animal products or animal testing. Their musk oils are all derived from herbs. Formulary oils are hand-blended, appropriate to the lunar cycles and other planetary influences.

Sun's Eye oils are body (cosmetic) grade blended oils, suitable for use on the skin. They can also be used in oil and reed diffusers, potpourri, bathwater, making soap and/or candles, sprinkled over hot charcoal, and more.