Most in the gaming world, at least those of us of a certain age, will have heard of Gary Gygax. Gygax helped create many of the iconic beasts and monsters that populate our D&D campaigns. But what some may not know is that he was inspired by the cheapo plastic dinosaur-ish figures that you could pick up by the bag at the corner dime store. It's true! And those beasties were themselves loosely modeled after the Japanese Ultraman kaiju monsters. That's quite a lineage!

This listing is for one such creature, which doesn't seem to have an agreed upon name. I saw someone call it the Huggy Dragon and that seemed to fit. This creature stands around 2 1/4 inches tall and is made from a sturdy gray plastic and orange paint on the face and chest. It's unmarked and is probably from the 70s or 80s. Good condition with light play wear.