Our physical DNA, which contains our genetic information, also has spiritual and metaphysical dimensions. Most humans only utilize a small percentage of their DNA, often referred to as the "active" or "used" part of the DNA. The rest of the DNA is considered "junk" or dormant. The dna activations aim to awaken latent or dormant abilities or characteristics within an individual through an interaction with their DNA. More specifically, DNA activations, stimulate these inactive parts of the DNA, leading to a variety of potential enhancements or awakenings, often spiritual or metaphysical in nature.

The Light Language Decoders DNA Activation is designed to empower individuals with the innate ability to decipher and understand light language, a multi-dimensional form of communication used throughout the universe and within our DNA. This vibrational language goes beyond human linguistics, operating on a soul level and directly interacting with our energetic bodies. It's understood intuitively and often involves non-linear symbols, tones, sensations, and telepathic messages.

This DNA activation serves as a profound spiritual tool, awakening the dormant parts of your DNA associated with the understanding, interpretation, and application of light language. Through the process, you are energetically aligned with the multi-dimensional planes of existence where light language is used as a standard form of communication. This not only enables better understanding and integration of these messages but also allows you to become a conduit for transmitting them, ultimately improving your spiritual communication and connections.

Benefits of this activation:

• Enhanced ability to perceive and understand light language.

• Ability to interpret the vibrational patterns and symbols in light language.

• Enhanced intuition and psychic abilities.

• Improved spiritual communication with multi-dimensional beings.

• Greater spiritual growth and evolution.

• Alignment with higher self and higher consciousness.

• Improved dream interpretation and understanding of symbolic messages.

• Ability to channel light language messages, providing guidance to self and others.

• More profound meditation experiences.

• Enhanced energy healing abilities.

• More profound understanding and connection with universal love and unity consciousness.

• Ability to use light language for manifestation and co-creation.

• Enhanced creativity and self-expression.

• Greater synchronicity and alignment with soul path.

• Increased understanding of sacred geometry.

• Accelerated spiritual awakening and ascension process.

• Ability to access and integrate higher dimensional wisdom and knowledge.

• Increased sense of peace, joy, and fulfillment.


- This session is carried out remotely.

- Your session will be completed within 3 business days from the day of your purchase.

- As soon as I begin the session, I will notify you via Bonanza messages.

- You won't receive any physical items in your mail.

* In accordance with legal obligations, please note that this session is provided strictly for entertainment purposes.

* Also, per Bonanza's policies, it's important to clarify that this session does not guarantee any physical results or outcomes.