The Amulets of Ancient Egypt Attunement is a powerful attunement designed to connect individuals with the ancient wisdom and protective power embodied in the amulets of Egyptian lore. Egyptian amulets were not mere ornaments; they were believed to hold magical properties, offering protection, health, and prosperity to those who wore them. This attunement aims to channel the metaphysical energies these amulets symbolized, bridging the gap between the physical and the mystical realms. The focus is on imbuing the recipient with the same sense of protection, balance, and spiritual empowerment that these ancient symbols represented.

In its second facet, the attunement serves as a conduit for deepening one's connection to the rich spiritual heritage of Ancient Egypt. This civilization was not only advanced in its tangible accomplishments but also in its profound understanding of the spiritual and mystical aspects of life. Through this attunement, individuals can tap into the ancient Egyptians' insights on life, death, and the universe. It fosters a deeper understanding of and alignment with the universal laws, as perceived by one of the most spiritually advanced civilizations in human history. The process thus serves as a gateway to a more profound spiritual awakening and enlightenment, guided by the wisdom of the ancients.

Lastly, the attunement emphasizes the personal growth and transformation aspects. By aligning with the energies of Ancient Egyptian amulets, one embarks on a journey of self-discovery and personal development. The amulets’ symbolism extends beyond physical protection to encompass inner transformation, guiding individuals in their pursuit of self-actualization and higher consciousness. This transformative journey allows for a rebalancing of energies, harmonizing the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of one’s being.

Benefits of this attunement:

• Enhanced Spiritual Protection: Connecting with the protective energies traditionally associated with Egyptian amulets.

• Increased Connection to Ancient Wisdom: Gaining deeper insights into the spiritual teachings and practices of Ancient Egypt.

• Personal Growth and Transformation: Facilitating a journey of self-discovery and inner transformation.

• Energetic Balance and Harmony: Achieving a harmonious balance of physical, mental, and spiritual energies.

• Greater Intuitive Insight: Developing a heightened sense of intuition and inner knowing.

• Enhanced Awareness of Universal Laws: Deepening understanding of cosmic principles and universal truths.

• Cultivation of Inner Peace: Fostering a sense of calm and tranquility within oneself.

• Strengthened Mental Clarity: Achieving greater focus and clarity of thought.

• Emotional Resilience: Building emotional strength and resilience to life’s challenges.

• Connection with Spiritual Lineage: Feeling a sense of kinship and connection with the spiritual lineage of Ancient Egypt.

This transformational attunement offers a profound alteration to your aura and the seven subtle bodies that encompass your being - the Etheric Body, Emotional Body, Mental Body, Astral Body, Etheric Template Body, Celestial Body, and Causal Body. As a result, you'll carry this empowering energy within and around you, creating a continuous stream of healing and upliftment.

Post-attunement, it's common to feel a sense of fatigue for a period of 2-3 days - this is simply your energy body acclimating and integrating the newfound energy. To assist in this process, make sure to take ample rest and hydrate frequently. This facilitates a smooth assimilation of the energy.

Upon completing your purchase, you'll be able to instantly download the manual, enabling you to prepare for the attunement. The actual activation can take place as soon as I dispatch the chi ball to you. This chi ball - an energetic orb filled with the powerful attunement energy - is delivered instantly by the angels.

I will forward your initiation via a single chi ball (energy ball), dispatched within 3 business days post your purchase. Once it's sent, I will notify you through Bonanza messages. No physical items will be mailed to you. You can perform the activation at your own pace and comfort, following the instructions in the manual.


- This session is carried out remotely.

- Your session will be completed within 3 business days from the day of your purchase.

- As soon as I send the chi energy ball, I will notify you via Bonanza messages.

- You won't receive any physical items in your mail.

- The attunement manual will be sent to you via messages as soon as I send the chi ball

* In accordance with legal obligations, please note that this session is provided strictly for entertainment purposes.

* Also, per Bonanza's policies, it's important to clarify that this session does not guarantee any physical results or outcomes.