The photo is show the real plant.

The Compact Japanese Holly is a fantastic substitute for boxwood in hotter, humid areas where boxwood does not thrive, and an excellent dense evergreen bush for any location. It has small, rounded leaves and clips easily into rounded specimens up to 5 feet tall and across. It also makes an excellent low to medium-sized hedge. It is highly resistant to ocean salt spray, so it is a good choice for coastal cottages and beachfront locations. The black berries that are produced in fall and persist through winter are a valuable food for birds, who will be attracted to your garden. It grows much faster than boxwood, so even in areas where boxwood grows, this plant allows you to develop a good-sized hedge in a shorter time.

Plant the Compact Japanese Holly in a sunny or partially shaded location, in ordinary garden soil that is well-drained. This plant needs some initial care with watering, but once well-established it is very drought-tolerant as well as resistant to pests and diseases. In colder areas the roots should be well-watered and mulched for winter. It can be trimmed at any time, but do not trim in winter in colder areas.