WD WD10EARS 1TB 5.4k SATA 3Gbps 64MB Cache 3.5" HDD

Hard drive is in good cosmetic condition. It displays normal signs of wear and tear. Hard drive has been wiped to NAID standards and tested to ensure there are no issues with the hard drive and its functions. Passed all testing with 100% Health and 100% SMART data.


Brand Western Digital
Product Line Caviar Green
Model WD10EARS


Form Factor 3.5 in
Capacity 1 TB
Cache 64 MB
Spindle Speed 5400 RPM
Average Seek Time 8.9 ms
Drive Interface Type SATA II (3.0 Gbps)
Features - Quiet Operation
- StableTrac Technology
- IntelliSeek Technology
- IntelliPower Technology
- Advanced Power Technology
- Low-Power Spin-Up Technology
- NoTouch Ramp Load Technology
- Perpendicular Magnetic Recording (PMR)