Cast lanyard series nighttime shows series pin with Mickey in the Spectromagic nighttime parade at the Magic Kingdom. This pin uses the same image as pin 33167, but a few changes were made, apparently done when the "Hidden Mickey" was added in the lower right corner. The most noticeable difference is that Mickey himself sports a yellow synthetic cloisonne costume with a high collar, where in the original version his costume was silver (the metal the pin was made from). The pin also features the new 2005 Pin Trading logo on the back. The "Hidden Mickey" heads are being used to identify new cast lanyard series 3 pins and are being added to most pins from series 3 that have already been released. Pin 33167 was released before the "Hidden Mickey" i.d. mark was added to later pins in WDW lanyard series #3 and does not have this mark. Both pins feature actual hidden Mickey images along the top of the background as part of the pin's design.