Welcome to the Tess Joy Spells And The Mystic Lunar Coventry of the Northeast. Thank you for visiting us. We have been in business on various online marketplaces since 2006, and have garnered over 32,000 positive feedback with an overall score of 99.9% See our client testimonials below! Thanks for stopping by and visiting!


For one person only ~ An ultimate life changing metaphysical creation - A beautiful one of a kind, handmade large bronze & moonstone pendant that has been cast upon by myself, and my illustrious, and talented Coven a *staggering* 23,774 times!!

Below I will give a list of some of the areas that this piece have been blessed to change your life. Attract wealth, success, health, great luck and karma, love, and so much more. LIVE THE PERFECT LIFE.

A Coven Blessed item is an item that my Coventry and I have cast large amounts of very specific, poignant energies in to. It is a vessel, an embodiment of specific, carefully formulated powers that will impact your life in a swift, tangible way.

The only thing that I have ever wanted in my life is to use my given talents, my unique abilities, to help others. There is too much suffering in our world. This life of ours is meant to be enjoyed, cherished, beautiful, not filled with stress, worry, fear, and anxiety. That is why I do what I do, and that is why I have gathered for years with 8 other providers of magick, 8 other beautiful souls, and together, we create items just like this! We are very proud.

Blessed Talisman, Amulets, Stones, Rings, and other "Good Luck Charms" existed in our world in a very profound, and real way for centuries. In today's more modern world, a "good luck charm" is nothing more than a passive novelty. That is what we have turned it in to. For countless years, from the age of the Sumerian, through to the early 1900's, real alchemists and energy workers were able to harness specific energies in to tangible items, which where then, in turn, used as a real life blessing for the bearer of said item.

This magick, this practice still exists as vibrantly today as it ever has. Having an item blessed in this manor can and will deeply impact your life for the better.

This particular stone is the definition of a true labor of love. It is one of a kind, it is one that we've spent a massive amount of time with, as a grouping, and individually over the course of the last year plus.

The piece has been cast upon for the last 11+ months. A total of *exactly* 23,774 different expert blessings has been placed upon it!

The stone has been observed, tested, and it's energies are IMMENSE. It is ready to bless you. It is ready to give you the perfect life.

You will see the following benefits having this item in your life.

Attraction Of Wealth

Self Confidence


Personal Power

Mind Control Over Others







Physical Strength

Mental Capacity

Psychic Clairvoyance






Mental Energy



Career/Investment Success

Life Enjoyment


Mental & Emotional Clarity

Problem Solving Skills

Self Healing

Healing Of Others

Sexual Prowess


Personal Worth


Will Power

Physical & Emotional Balance

Self Love

Personal Wealth

Lottery Victory

Casino Luck

Positive Karma 

Influence Over Self and Others

And so, so, SOOOO much more!

With this beautiful piece in your life you will immediately begin to feel euphoric. You will feel as if a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. You will feel unburdened, and at peace.

The residual effects of owning an item of this power are often that you will sleep much better at night, you will feel increases in your confidence, your mood will improve, you will feel "lighter" and more at peace. Your spirit will be balanced, calm, and centered.

As the pieces stay with you, and the powers build, and sync with your unique spirit, it will draw money in to your life by on of many, or multiple means. You'll be healthy, feel great, have all of the luck in the world, and succeed in all aspects of life, from the most mundane to the most dramatic!

I know that the first question on all of your minds is: "Well, if it's so important and powerful, why is she selling it?" - That's an understandable question to ask, and I want to address it for you all. Without going in to detail I will say, simply, that I am blessed financially, in large part due to the success of my Father, and his Father before him. The work that I do, day to day, is not work that is performed with the driving desire for profit. I do not need the money.

The vast majority of all profits made on the sale of any of my offerings are donated to various local charitable causes. My heart aches daily for those people and animals that live in poverty, or worse. I despise the fact that so many in this world go hungry, live without a place to call home, suffer, and struggle. I despise that wonderful, loving animals are abandoned, abused, made to fight to survive. That is why, beyond my own philanthropic ventures I dedicate up to 80% of the profits from my business to these charities, to the wonderful people in this world that care as I do, and who stand up to fight for those in need. I hope you'll take pride in knowing that most of what you spend on this, or any other auction of mine is going to a good cause.

If you have questions about this once in a lifetime offering I encourage you to write to me. I am on eastern standard time in the US, and work from my desk from roughly 7:00 am through to roughly 3:00-4:00 pm. I am happy to answer any questions you have, and/or to discuss this piece in as much detail as you wish. I want to be able to provide anything I can for you to make the most informed decision possible. 


I'd like to share a little bit about our mission, who we are, what we do, and what it all means for you - We are what is called a "Coventry", or "Coven", which is a gathering of professional spell casters, psychic mediums, alchemists, magickal practitioners, and collectors of advanced, and elite paranormal curiosities. Each member of our Coven works with their own individual clients, and we all work together, as a Coven, on larger/joint spell casting work, and the creation of the items you see for sale here.

We practice peaceful, balanced white light magick only. We are what is commonly called "elemental" practitioners of magick. What that means is that we draw energies from naturally occurring sources - Mother Earth, the Moon, the Sun, the cosmos. Never from living things, or other people. NO black magick, NO voodoo. Our magick is the safest, and most balanced of energy work. There will never be any negative side effects, imbalance of karma, and we do NOT draw away from others to provide for you. We work within your own energies, and the aforementioned natural sources of energy, to produce your desires.

I'm sure you may find yourself wondering: What is magick, and what do we offer? Magick is another word for transformation, creation, and manifestation. Magick is a tool we use to act on the subtle - or energy, or quantum - level of reality. The quantum level is the causal realm. It is the subtle influences at the quantum level that decide which way reality will go for you in your future. We harness those invisible energy sources, combine them in to a "recipe", so to speak, and place them within a physical vessel, which then transports those specific, finite energies, in that specific combination, to your spirit, and life, where the real world results will then follow.

Whether you are viewing one of our expertly created items, or one of our relics the essence of purpose, manifestation, and creation through energy use remains the same. These items are creations that hold very specific, precisely created energies that, once they enter your life will sync to your spirit, and will "go to work" so to speak to create the reality discussed in the listing. These are not just passive novelties, this is very serious, legitimate energy work that can and WILL change your world for the better.