5x BOCA DOCE Instant Pudding from Portugal
5 Flavors 
Caramel, Vanilla,
Chocolate, Pineapple, Strawberry
Powder preparation for making pudding
Pack 5x22 g
BOCA DOCE is the traditional pudding, which has been served on Portuguese tables since 1955, accompanied by one of the most memorable jingles of all time: Boca Doce is good, it's good, it's...! Economical and easy to prepare, in the delicious flavors of Caramel, Strawberry, Chocolate, Vanilla, Pineapple, Boca Doce puddings are the favorite dessert of many generations.
Product type: Pudding preparations
1. Pour the contents of the sachet into a saucepan and add 4 tablespoons/100 grams of sugar;
2. Add, little by little, 500 ml of milk, stirring until it dissolves well; 3. Bring to a boil over low heat and cook for 2 minutes, stirring constantly;
4. Pour into molds and let cool without stirring.
Trick ยป To make the puddings unmold better and become brighter, rinse the molds in cold water beforehand, then drain them very well without cleaning them.
Ingredient declaration:
Ingredients: Corn starch, salt, gelling agent (carrageenan), flavorings, coloring (curcumin, annatto, norbixin, ammonium sulfite caramel), stabilizer (disodium phosphate). MAY CONTAIN WHEAT AND MILK.
Allergen statement: May contain wheat and milk.