3-4 feet tall
Full sun
Hardy zones 2-9

These perennial wildflowers are fun to grow, and have huge spikes of flowers in a beautiful blue. Awesome beauty when in full bloom. Blossoms are similar to lupine. These seeds may benefit by the following germination methods:

Hard Seeds-Chipping:  Some seeds have hard seed coats which prevent moisture being absorbed by the seed. All that is needed is for the outer surface to be scratched or abraided to allow water to pass through. This can be achieved by chipping the seed with a sharp knife at a part furthest away from the 'eye', by rubbing lightly with sandpaper or with very small seed pricking carefully once with a needle etc.
Hard Seeds-Soaking:  Soaking is beneficial in two ways; it can soften a hard seed coat and also leach out any chemical inhibitors in the seed which may prevent germination. 24 hours in water which starts off hand hot is usually sufficient. If soaking for longer the water should be changed daily. Seeds of some species (e.g. Cytisus, Caragana, Clianthus) swell up when they are soaked. If some seeds of a batch do swell within 24 hours they should be planted immediately and the remainder pricked gently with a pin and returned to soak. As each seed swells it should be removed and sown before it has time to dry out.
Comes with planting instructions but refer back to listing for details.