Id'd Civil War Photos Memoir, Documents, New Hampshire Autographed Biography from Daughter Very Extensive

lot) Family archive of Albert Henry Clay Jewett (New Hampshire, Washington, D.C.,1841-1898), discharged as First Lieutenant, Fourth Regiment of Volunteers, State of New Hampshire, Army of the Potomac, later employed at the U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Pensions, Washington, D.C.: (1) half plate tintype of Jewett standing, uniform includes officer epaulettes; (1) quarter plate tintype of Jewett from waist up, his uniform includes kepi and officer epaulettes; (1) albumen head shot of Jewett, the collar of his uniform is visible; (1) certificate appointing Jewett a Second Lieutenant effective November 5, 1862 signed by Nathaniel S. Berry, Governor of New Hampshire with the state seal; (1) certificate appointing Jewett a First Lieutenant effective August 14, 1863 signed by Joseph A Gilmore, Governor of New Hampshire with the state seal: (2) books, "A Boy Goes to War" by Albert Henry Clay Jewett, copyright Grace J. Austin, 1944 (Grace, his daughter) one signed at the at the interior by Grace, the book being a autobiographical sketch of Jewett's war experience, the front piece and dust cover a photo picture of Jewett and his sword; (1) 1892 letter from the State of New Hampshire, Adjutant-General's office reciting the Revolutionary War record of Jewett's grandfather' (1) tintype, 1/16 plate size likeness of a woman believed to be Jewett's wife or lady friend, marked in ink "Picture rec'd in service about 1862 or 1863 from T(J?)erry; documents related to his Bureau of Pensions employment; together with large group of family letters relating to Jewett, for shipping largest item: 17" x 14", total: 5.35lbs

There's many letters and photos from Frank M Austin to the daughter Grace who published the book of memoirs AHC Jewett wrote. Really so much stuff, not all civil war, but all connected to the family.