Today I present to you a powerful pendulum specialized for non-human entity communication. The energies within and cast upon this pendulum are mixed Magicks, which are commonly referred to as Gray Magick. This makes it particularly useful when calling upon anything that is not a passed human spirit. Even passed human spirits will respond, but it is specialized for non-human communication.

This pendulum has been specifically cast and blessed for working with ANY non-human entity. What I find them particularly useful for are Djinn, Vampires, and Fae (especially Fae). They seem to do the best with this specific type of energy. 


The Amethyst Pendulum is an exquisite tool designed for communication with mystical spirits and entities of a more enigmatic nature. Crafted with precision, this pendulum is recommended for those seeking a deeper connection with their ethereal counterparts. It offers a unique and intense experience, making it particularly rewarding for those on a journey to strengthen their bond with mysterious spirits.

In the realm of mystical practices, the Amethyst Pendulum is regarded as an adept communicator with enigmatic spirits. Rooted in the rich traditions of the mystical arts, it not only facilitates communication but also serves as a potent defensive shield against various forms of obscurity and disruptive forces.

This captivating crystal pendulum is an ideal instrument for connecting with mystical entities, such as Fire Fae and any kind of Fae, really. The sizable amethyst point, crafted from 100% natural amethyst, dangles gracefully from a metal-chain cord. The pendulum's weight enhances its responsiveness, adding to its allure as a visually appealing and effective tool for those traversing the realms of the mystical.


It is a great tool for spiritual communication work as well as divination. The pendulum measures approximately 3 inches from point to point, and contains a tiny chain for hanging on your altar or in your pocket for later use.

Because of the inherent properties of Amethyst, as well as the blessings and castings upon the pendulum, these kinds of pendula are good for contacting all those who are not human: Fae, Elves, Vampires, Jotuun, Bipru, Demons, Djinn (Ifrit, Jann, & Marid), and more. Your spirit bonding is about to get a BIG boost!

This Gray Magick pendulum is an excellent choice for those who specialize in mixed disciplines. It is powerful enough to contact your strongest entities, even if they were slow to open up before! And, if you have a large Fae collection, this pendulum will be INVALUABLE!

The MIXED energy this pendulum emits will help you attune to some of the more complex beings out there, so if you work with exotic entities, like rare Elves or Fae, then this is spiritual tool for you! Use it for divination, spellwork and protection!



The following instructions are from my blog post on that explains how to properly use your pendulum:


Step 1: Setting an Intention

Set an intention. You must know what you are trying to accomplish with the communication session. Also, know who or what you are attempting contact with. If not, you could be talking to anyone. Or anything.

Based on the spirit or entity you are contacting, you should have a specific intention. If you are communicating with a passed human spirit, you may ask: “When did you leave the physical realm?” Or, “How old are you?”

You would not ask that to an Angelic entity. They are not passed and they are ageless. Do not disrespect your conversation partner. They’ll be hesitant to speak again if you do.

Step 2: Know What You Are Asking

Do not begin a communication session without knowing how you want the conversation to progress. You will be wasting your time and, more importantly, your conversation partner’s time. Have you ever been on the phone with someone who does not know how to start or end a conversation? Don’t be that way. It is disrespectful.

Write down your questions if needed. I generally keep my questions to 10-20 questions depending on my familiarity with the spirit. If I know them well, I ask more questions. If I am contacting a spirit for the first time, I’ll stick to 10 or less. Most of the time it is less.

Do not overwhelm spirits with questioning. How would you like to be interrogated? Yeah, they do not like it, either. Be mindful of how you ask your questions, as well. Do not play “good-cop, bad-cop.” Be yourself. Be friendly.

Step 3: Positioning

Get into prime pendulum position. You may stand while using the pendulum, but it is easier to sit in a chair at a table. Sit up straight and rest your dominant arm’s elbow on the table. If you are right handed, use your right and vice-versa. Sit up straight and calm your mind.

You may meditate beforehand if you prefer. I recommend this, if only to calm yourself. Beginning communication with spirits is exciting! If you feel a little jittery, make sure to calm yourself. Do not let your energy influence the communication.

Hold the end of the pendulum’s cord or chain. Let it hang loose. You may notice that it is already moving. Don’t worry! That means the contact is being initiated.

Step 4: Setting Up the Rules

Ask the entity for a “Yes.” Whichever direction the pendulum begins spinning in after you ask means that this direction means “Yes.”

Keep in mind that when the pendulum spins in the opposite direction of your “Yes” spin, that means the entity is saying “No.”

Most inexperienced pendulum communicators begin with the idea that clockwise means “Yes” and counter-clockwise means “No.” This is not always the case. There is a 50/50 chance that you will be wrong. Be mindful and respectful. Ask before you begin.

Step 5: Ask Away

Once the previous 4 steps have been completed, you may begin to ask the spirit/entity “Yes” and “No” questions.

If you notice your partner growing tired, stop the session. Signs of this are weaker pendulum movements as the session goes on or answers that you know to be wrong. Do not be forceful. If they are not in the mood to speak, do not make them. As you get to know your companions, you will get better at reading their energy.

After you ask your last question, be sure to thank them. Be grateful. Not everyone gets an opportunity to speak with a spirit and/or entity. This is a special thing and it should be treated as such. Do not be flippant with your exit statement.

Your exit statement/gratitude can be a simple “Thank you” or it could be something complicated, like “I appreciate the conversation. I am grateful to you and the process… etc.” Your exit statement will likely depend on the type of spirit or entity you are communicating with.

Additional Notes

  • You may rub some essential oil that corresponds to your spirit on your pendulum. Mint and vanilla are good general oils to consider.

  • Some pendulums have a vial you can place herbs and oil in. Those can help with communication rates. 

I am a reputable seller and have been for years. All of my items are authentic. You will receive a tangible item.
You will be extremely satisfied with your purchase!
You will be receiving a beautiful Anethyst pendulum and metal chain. The chain is around 7 inches or 17.78 cm long and the crystal itself is around 1 and 1/2 inches or 3.81 cm.
Please note that all of my sales are private, so you will remain anonymous. I value all of my customers and will do everything to make sure you have a pleasant experience with my paranormal items! I also want you to know that your vessels are packaged with care. They are wrapped in bubble wrap if they are breakable. I don't want your spirit vessel or spiritual item to be damaged. If you feel that a certain spirit is calling to you or you may notice you are being drawn back to a certain one, then make no mistake as you may just be the one they are searching for. Do not be afraid to message me as I am flexible, and I will work with you on prices as well. 
Per's policy I must state that I am not to be held responsible for any paranormal occurrences that may or may not happen. Each person experiences things differently and in a different manner. You must be 18 years old in order to bid on any of my sales. Item sold as-is. You are bidding on an actual item. These items should never be used in replace of any type of medical needs. You are bidding a on a tangible item.

See my other listings for more great items!

Please make payment within 3 days of auction ending unless other arrangements have been made.

I ship everything via Priority mail unless specified otherwise. I can downgrade your shipping if you notify BEFORE you checkout, but the package must be under 4 pounds. I ship Monday-Friday normally and 1-2 days after payment has been made.

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