1.75" Pink Canadian Rhodonite Carved Baby Seal Sea Lion Marine Animal. 22 Grams *Teeny chip on back toe, tiny* Rhodonite helps to strengthen mantras, chanting, affirmations, singing and toning. Rhodonite helps you trust your inner voice and also soothes anxiety by improving unconditional love in all matters. Rhodonite increases your self-worth, allowing you to feel clarity and confidence about your life's path. Rhodonite is the “Stone of Love”. Rhodonite works with your Heart Chakra by soothing your heart center, as well as your Root Chakra for grounding and balancing. This balance of colors is a powerful vibration for caring for yourself. Rhodonite gives confidence and self worth, helps you express feelings and loving on a physical plane in day-to-day ways. Pink Canadian Rhodonite is the finest in the World, beautiful pink/yellow.