You are purchasing 1 Catalpa Tree in a 1 qt. pot 12-18" in level .Catalpa Trees develop to 40-70' in level with curving coverings and a typical life expectancy of 60 years. The deciduous plants are solid in zones 4-8 and can endure soggy soil however are more fit to dry areas.The leaves are bolt molded and gleaming dazzling green. In fall they turn a radiant yellow green prior to dropping as chilly temp. show up. Blossoms show up in spring and last until summer. The tree is helpful as an overhanging tree, along roads and in dry hard to establish destinations. The tree is consistently planted to draw in Catalpa worms which freeze and use for trap. The simplicity of Catalpa Tree care and its fast development make it thought for regions where a rapidly developing timberline is wanted. Delivering on all quart and 4" pots are 8.95 for the principal pot and 1.00 for each extra pots.
Establishing guidelines included with each request.
CALIFORNIA orders transport uncovered root Nov.- April simply because of soil limitations and just boat while torpid late Oct.- April as it were. We DO NOT transport to AK, HI and P.R.
We would like to inform you that the item that is being sold is not the same as the picture, but is something similar and not necessarily identical.