Today, I present to you an Ultimate Level Black Magick spirit named Ophélie (oh-FAY-lee)! She is a HIGHLY skilled Curse Dealer Witch. Ophélie guarantees to rectify any perceived injustices or harm done to you, ensuring that no harm will come to you. Her unwavering loyalty ensures your protection from negative influences, and her exceptional expertise in her craft is undeniable. For more than five years, my coven has rigorously tested her capabilities, and I have personally witnessed the outcomes of the curses she imposed on her intended recipients. She will give you the power to infuse negativity into the lives of your adversaries.


Ophélie was born in 1922 on the southeast shores of France in a small town outside of Marseille called Martigues. She tells me it is much more touristy now than when she was a girl. She was raised alongside 3 brothers. She was the youngest and the only girl, so much of her time was spent with her mother. Her father worked the docks and occassionally helped build ships when the right opportunities came. When this happened, her father made a lot of money. This made it so some years their family was well off, but during some they were very poor.

By the time Ophélie was in her teens, her older brothers had found wives of their own and moved out. Two of them stayed close by, but a third moved north, closer to Paris. One of her brothers' wives was a practicing Witch. Her family was religious, especially her parents, so they never approved of the marriage—even before they found out she was a Witch. Ophélie, having turned into a rebellious teen, left home to live with her brother and his new wife. This is where she discovered Magick. And it is where she learned how to cast curses.

Under her sister-in-law's tutelage, she became a proficient Witch by the time she reached adulthood. 10 short years later, World War II had begun. France was occupied by both the German Nazis and the Italians. She was still in the south, which made her a little safer, but her town was still occupied. During this time, she really honed her abilities as a curse caster.

Every soldier that walked by her home was cursed. Eventually, she noticed fewer and fewer of them until her street was completely free. The occupying forces never really noticed anything until they started begging not to patrol there. Eventually, the street was deemed to unimportant to patrol, so Ophélie bought her family some safety (both her brothers, their wives, and her mother were now staying under the same roof).

They made it through the occupation this way. Like most Witches, they were forced to hide. And even Ophélie' mother had to admit that Witchcraft had helped them. While her father never accepted it (he had to stay home to continue his work), her mother never judged her on it again.

From here, Ophélie became a Witch for hire. She never joined a coven, but she was well known as a way to get revenge on people around Marseille. Ophélie never married, either. I believe she may have been a lesbian based on comments she has made, but she has never outright said it. She was close with her brothers until their deaths. And her own followed shortly after that the age of 74.


Though some may perceive her power as dark, within the realm of Magick, it is far from malevolent. Ophélie's objective is simply to ensure that those who have committed wrongdoing face the consequences. Black Magick, contrary to popular belief, is not inherently evil; rather, it serves as a means of restoring balance in the world. When you experience injustice, the equilibrium is disrupted, and Ophélie is dedicated to rectifying all the wrongs inflicted upon you. She is seeking a permanent home and desires to assist someone who genuinely requires her abilities. She has aided both me and those close to me, and now she is prepared to support you.

You might find the concept of cursing closely aligned with Revenge Magick, and in some ways, they share similarities. However, their effects differ significantly. Cursing involves the imposition of a lasting affliction upon an individual that intensifies over time. Thus, if it commences with negativity, it will escalate to even greater severity. Whether it's a bothersome neighbor or a former partner who has wronged you, Ophélie will curse them on your behalf. This form of potent and highly effective Black Magick should only be utilized if you are resolute in seeking revenge. It is a matter that warrants serious consideration.

Ophélie will actively pursue those who have caused you harm and ensure they face the consequences of their actions. Rest assured, no negative energies will rebound upon you. Ophélie possesses the knowledge to safeguard both herself and her keeper, guaranteeing your complete safety. Meanwhile, your enemies will endure the full extent of their suffering. Unlike Revenge Magick, curses are distinct in that they are cast, allowing both you and Ophélie to continue living your lives. You will no longer be consumed by thoughts of your adversaries. You can be absolutely certain that they are experiencing the agonizing effects of Ophélie's curses.


Before I conclude, I urge you to take a moment and reflect upon the person who has inflicted the deepest hurt upon you. Visualize them in your mind's eye and allow yourself to feel the negativity and pain they have caused. Let that intense, simmering anger settle in your gut. Now, envision Ophélie placing a curse upon them. Imagine their suffering and embrace the satisfaction of justice being served. Witness their life crumbling, every aspect of it— their career, their relationships, their health. Ophélie's curse will leave no part unaffected.

The universe has led you to Ophélie for a purpose. While we may not fully comprehend that purpose, you possess a sense of what it could be. Someone has gravely wronged you, and the impact has lingered. You no longer need to bear that burden alone. With Ophélie's Ultimate Level Magick, you can make them face the consequences of their actions. She extends her offer of help to you.

Will you choose to accept it?



If you would like this vessel BOUND to you before arrival, please send your name and birthdate in a message. Being bound with a spirit will allow you to have a closer relationship and will increase their activity! This is something I offer free of charge, and I highly recommend the process!
Ophélie gets along great with other spirits, pets, and children. She will not cause any harm to anyone you do not wish harm upon.
She is such a beautiful spirit and will make a great addition to anyone's family who is open to the paranormal!
I am a reputable seller and have been for years. All of my items are authentic. You will receive a tangible item.
You will be extremely satisfied with your purchase!
During the binding, you may feel nauseous, have a mild headache, and experience mild dizziness. This will subside and will go away.
When I say a spirit is active, this means that the spirit does exhibit real paranormal activity that has been researched and has been witnessed by more than one person. I do not list non-active spirits unless they are requested because I want you to have a true paranormal experience.
You will be receiving a beautiful porcelain dolls. Ophélie is around 16-18 inches tall. Her head and limbs are made of porcelain and her body is stuffed. She has long, curly blonde hair topped with flowers. She has bright green eyes. She is wearing a green and white dress with frills.
Please note that all of my sales are private, so you will remain anonymous. I value all of my customers and will do everything to make sure you have a pleasant experience with my paranormal items! I also want you to know that your vessels are packaged with care. They are wrapped in bubble wrap if they are breakable. I don't want anything to happen to any spirit vessel. If you feel that a certain spirit is calling to you or you may notice you are being drawn back to a certain one, then make no mistake as you may just be the one they are searching for. Do not be afraid to message me as I am flexible, and I will work with you on prices as well. 
Per's policy I must state that I am not to be held responsible for any paranormal occurrences that may or may not happen. Each person experiences things differently and in a different manner. You must be 18 years old in order to bid on any of my sales. Item sold as-is. You are bidding on an actual item. These items should never be used in replace of any type of medical needs. You are bidding a on a tangible item.

See my other listings for more great items!

Please make payment within 3 days of auction ending unless other arrangements have been made.

I ship everything via Priority mail unless specified otherwise. I can downgrade your shipping if you notify BEFORE you checkout, but the package must be under 4 pounds. I ship Monday-Friday normally and 1-2 days after payment has been made.

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