This is Previews PROMO POSTER that shows comic book superhero and other character merchandise, and this poster measures about 28 by 22 inches. This listing is for the promo poster only, and not the actual merchandise that's shown on this poster. This promotional poster was produced in very small quantities and was distributed to comic book shop dealers only. This promo poster was NEVER FOR SALE TO THE PUBLIC, and that's why so few of them were ever made. Imagine in the years to come how much this poster will be worth when the items shown on this poster become scarce and sought after! Preview promotional posters generally showed superhero and science fiction related merchandise like action figures, statues, figure busts, race cars, specialty poster rarities, Marvel Comics items, DC Direct items from DC Comics, model kits, tv and movie character items, and other collectibles. This promo poster has NEVER BEEN DISPLAYED, it's in VERY FINE/NEAR MINT CONDITION, and it was shipped to comic book shop retailers folded, which is normal for promotional posters and not considered a defect by promo poster collectors. The little silver/gray things you see in the corners of the poster are just magnets, so the photograph of this poster could be taken.