An elegant and wonderful Rug, made of selected fur in a charming brown color. An exclusive and original idea to bring a warmer feeling to any room in your home Precious and soft baby alpaca fur, hand-worked and hand-sewn, in a very modern design.

How to take care of your rug: The Rugs can be simply cleaned with the vacuum cleaner. To take away any dirt or spots, take a normal carpet cleaner, brush it and let it dry flat in the floor. From time to time let your fur rug in a place where the sun shines over and the hairs will look much nicer and shiny. In the event you will want to wash it completely, it must be in a dry clean way and to a special place for skin or leather dry cleaners.

Alpaca fur is a no-kill, friendly fur. A byproduct of alpaca farming, alpacas are never harmed to obtain their fur and our products are made only from animals that expire naturally. There is a very simple economic reason for this: the Alpaca is too valuable for it's wool. We are alpaca lovers.

Our products are fairtrade, we contribute to the sustainable development of indigenous communities, by offering better trading conditions and protecting the rights of, marginalized producers and workers in Peru. We ship directly from here and it needs approx. 15-18 days to get into the destination.

100% Natural Babyalpaca Fur

Handmade in the Andean of Peru

Fair Trade Product of Peru

Different Sizes Available

Alpaca fur is a no-kill, friendly fur