Do you want the love of your life to have a strong desire to make you happy, desire you, take care of you? Do you want them to be deliriously happy and want to be with you night and day?

You deserve to have the love of your life feel that you are the best thing to ever happen to them. You deserve to be happy, to feel wanted, cherished, adored.

You are not asking too much to want to see a spark in their eyes whenever they look at you. To be crazy about you. To give you their friendship, their lust, their love. And you want it unconditionally! No strings attached. No hesitation, no remorse, no doubts about you whatsoever.

And once you receive all that you deserve – their affection, their remarkable attention and devotion to you – you will make this very special person the happiest, most contented person on the face of the earth. All you ask is for your lover to give you unconditional love, and you will give them the world!