*** This is an offering for an EMERGENCY LEVEL SPELL CASTING. I do offer lower level castings, but if you feel your situation requires emergency intervention, fast results, and the most powerful magick available to you, you may want to consider having this spell cast. ***

Time tested & proven Coven ritual to draw money in to your life from thousands of esoteric, and cosmic energy sources.

The attraction of Money, Success, Luck is the rest of carefully pending karmic action in a specific direction, using the energy sources that are abundant around us all to "push" in to your life, and spirit the draw of karmic attention, and thus opportunity to gain financial benefit.

Financial relief, as a result of this particular casting, can and will come in one of many ways: A lottery victory, a scratch ticket lottery win, a new job, or job promotion is common, an unexpected inheritance, or even unexpected money in the mail, or via electronic means. This does not mean that anybody will be harmed for you to benefit.

There is a massive amount of money in this world - Channeling it in to your stream of energy is a relatively easy thing to do. Why wait? You can live a life of abundance. Pay your bills on time, let the stress of daily life melt away.

You only have one life to live. Why live it going from check to check? We were meant to see and explore, to love, and to live freely, not live under the terrible financial circumstances that face us today in this world. This is not the right life for us. By accepting this ritual in to your life you will, inside of a few weeks time, see a stream of fortune headed in to your life.

Take vacations, buy the cars, homes, and toys you desire most. Put money away for your children, or grand children's eduction. You can do these things. It's here for your to seize, and I am awaiting, eagerly, the opportunity to assist.

** You are purchasing an all inclusive spell casting service. Your results will be digitally delivered to you via email. I will email you upon purchase so that we can discuss your desires for the spell work. **