Welcome to the Mystic Lunar Coven of the Northeast. Thank you for visiting us!

** What you are viewing is a QUADRUPLE CAST ritual offering. We offer ritual work, typically, in three variations - Single casting, Quad casting, and Emergency casting. When you purchase a quadruple casting, the spell work will be completed for you 4 individual times. Each time the spell is cast, in succession, slight variances are made in the type or ritual work, mystical discipline being used, and/or origin of the magickal theory. A quadruple casting will promote swifter results. By having your needs and desires cast for, in this quadruple manor, you are allowing us to "attack" your problems from 4 unique esoteric, and energetic angles, which will provide a more all encompassing experience for you, along with faster results. **

Do you want someone to obsess about you, and think about you nonstop?

Within 24 hours after this spell is complete, you will fill their dreams. They will dream of you non-stop. Your presence in their nightly dreams will make it hard for them to even do their everyday tasks.

They will not be able to stop these dreams and will attempt to act on them to bring what they have been dreaming of to fruition. Full love, devotion, lust, enjoyment.

All of their dreams will be of pure happy times and will form pressure on them of the great times you spent together and of how much they miss you. If the situation dictates, and you've never been close to the person that you desire, I can, and will cast for that particular person to BEGIN dreaming of you, and thinking of you non-stop, until they pursue you for a romantic relationship.

With this pressure night after night, they will begin to long for you once again, or anew.

Their dreams will be consumed with thoughts of you.

This will truly haunt their dreams in the best way possible.

A lot of people do not realize, but a good bit of our lives are influenced by our dreams. how many times have you dreamed of a long lost friend and then the next day you thought about how they were doing now, or how to get in contact with them. Think about this happening night after night and the amount of pressure it would cause you to have about contacting this person.

That's exactly how this casting works.

After this spell is cast, all of their dreams will be about you. Their mind will become totally focused on you and wanting to be with you to ease the pressures of the dreams.

** You are purchasing an all inclusive spell casting service. Your results will be digitally delivered to you via email. I will email you upon purchase so that we can discuss your desires for the spell work. **