Love Songs from WWII: Vol 1



"I was given this set for Christmas a few years ago because I love songs from the WWII era,songs that I can sing along with. I'm a home health aide (caregiver) and lately I've been taking these CDs to the homes of my clients to share with them, and have forged some special bonds as a result. These are the songs that they listened to when they were teenagers and young adults, the songs that they danced to and romanced to. Like the songs that I loved as a teenager, these songs bring so much pleasure to the people that I work with--the songs they loved then make them light up with smiles now. After I shared this set of CDs with one of my clients, she asked if I could order them for her, and she is thrilled with them. She has dementia, and has a hard time getting motivated to get out of bed in the mornings; I've found that playing these songs usually helps."






All used  disks are professionally refurbished and test played before shipping and will play  well in most machines.