Blue 9*12cm Drawstring Chocolate Bags,DIY Gift Packaging Bag,Candies Cookie Bag


Size: 9*12cm;length about 12cm;

 Optimum capacity:Ferrero chocolates 3-4pieces/Dove 8-10 pieces/Hershey's Chocolate 8-12pieces;

Max Capacity:Ferrero chocolates 26-30pieces/Dove 18-20 pieces/Hershey's Chocolate 26-30 pieces;


Shipping & Handling



We deliver to you by China Post,Singapore Post and UPS, DHL, FedEx,EMS etc;

If you have any questions and would like to use faster shipping way,please contact us firstly about shipping cost.

All Internation free shipping,used to take at least 25-45 working days or more days;If the buyer protection time is about to end,you still did not receive the package,please contact us first and we will deal with it,please don't dispute your order;Thank you so much;

The expect time described in each article is business day, so please, be patient for your order. If you are urgent, please, ask before order about the faster shipping way and extra shipping cost;We are specialist in DIY and craft supplies. If you have questions please convo me and we'll be glad to answer them. The expect time described in each article isbusiness day, so please, be patient for your order. 

When we receive your payment, normally the shipping will be made within 2-5 business days.

Shipping is via UPS, DHL, FedEx and China EMS, deliver about 5 to 10 business working days (Fast Shipping). 

Please your phone number during you purchased, when special status happened, express companies will contact you by phone.


Attention: the import duty/tax is the buyer's responsibility. 

Not included in the price or the shipping fee.On the waybill,we tried to avoid the import duty/tax for you.