Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine January 1985

Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine
January 1985 Volume 9 Number 1
New York: Davis Publications
Copyright 1985
194 pages

The binding is in good condition and the pages are clean.  The cover shows light wear and a small amount of edge wear.  Good. Paperback.

Novelettes - The End of Life as We Know It by Lucius Shepard; In Media Vita by Gregory Frost
Short Stories - Fermi and Frost by Frederik Pohl; And Who Would Pity a Swan? by Connie Willis; The Final Assassin by Garry Kilworth; To a Chimp Held Captive for Purposes of Research by Michael Bishop; Quartermain by Barry N. Malzberg; Gorgonissa by Richard Purtill; The Spinning Kingdom by Thomas Wylde; Need by James Sallis