Do you need help adjusting to living at home in a wheelchair? "Journey In a Wheelchair©" A STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO PERFORMING DAILY TASKS IN A WHEELCHAIR is comprehensive instruction guide to safely accomplish cooking, house cleaning, bathing and other things such as setting up your residence interior to accomodate a wheelchair.

Excerpts: Page 9 "This is a guide book, a reference to use to be safe and live day by day in a wheelchair. You will grow in confidence as you realize you can perform daily task by yourself. " Page 57 "Use only the two front burners to avoid reaching over pots and pans." Page 69 "Any medical facility that has patients requiring the use of a wheelchair will find this book invaluable to aid in achieving maximum independence and mobility."  @wheelchair mobility  @active in wheelchair  @self-help in wheelchair @wheelchairhelpforpatients @wheelchairuseinstructions