Japanese Hakata Doll Association Kimono Girl 8.5"


I’ve never seen a Hakata doll that isn’t exquisite. It’s not surprising that the number of collectors is so large or that they have their own collector’s society. There’s something about the way these are hand painted that is absolutely fascinating. This kimono clad beauty is 8.5  inches tall and in excellent condition. Bottom marked, paper label.

Hakata doll (Wikepedia)

“A Hakata doll is a traditional Japanese clay doll, originally from the city of Fukuoka, part of which was previously named Hakata before the city merger in 1889. The commonly accepted origin of Hakata dolls is 17th-century Hakata; artisans including Souichi Masaki produced clay dolls, sometimes presented as gifts to Buddhist temples and to Kuroda Nagamasa, the ruler of Hakata at that time. These dolls were called Hakata suyaki ningyU. Hakata also has a famous festival, Hakata Gion Yamakasa, which involves decorated NingyU floats. The floats are made from wood, but it is believed that the method of production of these floats strongly influenced the Hakata doll. However, recent archaeological evidence discovered during the excavation of Hakata, including simple biscuit-fired toys, has put the origin of Hakata dolls in China.”



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