High Frequency Skin Spot Removal Machine
The way to prevent or minimize acne scar is that using a spot remover can help skin disinfection, refine skin texture and improve nutrition absorption. Hopefully, you can find this amazing handheld high frequency spot remover at globalcaremarket.com when you need it.
How does it work?
High Frequency Spot Remover Machine is also called as High Frequency Electrotherapeutic Machine because that it is made up of high frequency oscillation circuit, capacitors, resistors, and semiconductors. When it switches on the power, there will be continuous HV current generate so that it may discharge and produce UV light through connected glass electrodes pole. Then it instantly could irritate blood vessels and nerve endings to boost blood circulation. And meanwhile the produced electricity can produce ozone under ionization of air oxygen so that it helps disinfect and reduce inflammatory.

Disinfection, sterilization, and anti-inflammatory for curing acne;
Balancing and reducing sebum secretion and boosting metabolism.
Improving lymphatic and blood circulation and increasing cell regeneration ability;
Product Features
Because of producing UV light, it can effectively inhibit bacteria growth to prevent from acne.
Because of discharging and generating electricity, it can enhance cell structure to reduce inflammatory.
Because of heating effect by electricity, it may active cells and improve absorption ability, such as nutrition substance.
Usage: Remove acne spots, skin blemishes, scars Mechanism: Electrotherapeutic and UV sterilization.
Available Voltage: 110-220V;
Power: 10w;
Certifications: CE Marked.

Package Contents
1 x Handheld Main Piece
1 x Mushroom Tube for large facial areas
1 x Tongue Tube for small facial areas
1 x Bend Tube for spot areas
1 x Comb Tube for Hair
1 x Instructions