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ILLUMINATI The Enlightened Ones

A True Destiny Article
This Amulet was consecrated by top officials of the Sorcery segment of the Illuminati.
It is called "The Enlightened Ones".
Magickal inscriptions were written inside the tomb of King Tut. These spells were deciphered and are used in secretive rituals conducted by Illuminati occult over a 12 month period.
You will command a legion of spirits to do your will as you speak while wearing or holding this amulet.
Owning this amulet immediately aligns your energies with powerful wealth frequencies known only to the most prestigious Illuminati sect.
You will gain rare magickal powers through this article. You will receive telepathic messages that will lead to rare discoveries. You will be in touch with the cosmos as your energies are elevated to Universal levels. This amulet activates your 3rd eye chakra, facilitating inter-dimensional communication and travel. It will increase the flow of chi throughout your body and meridian system. You will note an increased energy flow to the auric field, which will provide a shield of protection from negative energies.
Be prepared for amazing positive changes to follow your purchase of this piece.
This amulet is breathtakingly stunning! Deep blue sapphires and sparkling crystals form the flower of life. I will send with a recharging chain.
The flower of life is sacred geometry and holds vast magickal powers. The Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt contains the oldest known examples of the Flower of Life. Precisely how old these inscriptions are is unknown. Suggestions that they are over 6,000 years old and may date back to as long ago as 10,500 B.C. or earlier.

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