Golliwog Chromolithographed Illustration 1896 by Longmans and Green



Florence Upton was born in the US in 1873, the early death of her father resulted in her having to work for a living to help support her family. A gifted artist, she was employed as an illustrator and enjoyed drawing in her spare time. In 1895 she produced a short childrens tale entitled 'The Adventures of the Two Dutch Dolls' later known as 'The Adventures of the Two Dutch Dolls & Golliwog'. Due to popularity of the Golli hero figure in the book and its exquisite drawings, more books followed (13 Golli books plus others) illustrated by Upton.

This print is in mint condition, it comes already mounted for easy framing (12 oe " x 13") it is shrink wrapped and the photo enhances minor tears in the wrap. There are no defects.

Copyright: All plates in this series bear a Longmans and Green & Co. 1896 copyright at the bottom.


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