THousands of sparkling cut steel beads decorate this magnificent handbag that has two different floral patterns ( one on each side). Soft pink petals with golden vines are subtle yet when the light hits it show quite the romantic side of this purse designer. The frame on this is silver in color ( I can't find any markings but I don't think it is plate). The chain is original and it is a long slender silver color that measures 16" long. The frame measures 6" wide and the length of the purse from the top of the frame to the bottom of the fancy fringe is 10". THe inside of this is a soft pale pink silk which matches the roses on the outside. This is in very good condition with very few if any missing beads. It has aged well and still has a vibrant sparkle to it. THe silver frame is in great shape and it closes well. THis is very heavy and considering all the work that went into such a spectacular purse, you are going to be delighted with this piece of art!.

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