All items can be cast, binded or bonded. You just need to ask. We offer Binding and bonding services. WE ACCEPT OFFERS> JUST ASK!

 Hard to find Arabian  DJINN

 3770 years old with 220 helpers.  

These helpers will be sent out by his

command to fulfill your wishes.


Arabian djinn, believe it or not,
are hard to find and are
some of
the most sought after. 

To find a djinn with 220 helpers is
extremely rare as well.
They are all out to help you!




Are you ready to change your life and the lives of those around you forever????







If it is calling to you and you are here, you were brought here for a reason. The spirit was calling to you to be it’s owner.





If you are ready for the REAL DEAL HERE IT IS:



And you have 220 of his helpers that he will send out to do what you want!!!



Do you seek to bring all the things that you and your family needs into your life???


He can change your life forever !!!


He will grant your EVERY desire!!

We have included all of the information you need except for the name. Why? We believe that the name of your Djinn should be known only to you, and few others. Upon winning you will be sent the name with the item and  have access to our bonding ritual so that you can bond easily to your djinn, and be given all the information you need.   

He usually appears in a blue robe with dark hair and  dark  eyes but he is a shape shifter. He comes with the scent of sandalwood. 


IF YOU WERE BROUGHT HERE HE IS CALLING TO YOU!!! Do you hear him!!! You are drawn here for a reason. Trust you instincts. There are no mistakes only opportunities waiting you for. 






This is for male or female and can be worn, carried with you or kept in a charging box. The great thing is that once you bond with it the djinn will be with you whenever you need it, without the item with you.

As per rules- For entertainment purposes only. Must be 18




By law all items are for entertainment purposes only. Must be 18. Not medical advice or in place of anything medical. . ALL SALES ARE FINAL. We have been doing this 27 years and put in LOTS of time and effort! If there is ever a problem contact us and we will find the issue as to why not working and fix it!. All listing are copyrighted and owned by APRS INC