Pi1541 is a real-time, cycle exact, Commodore 1541 disk drive emulator that can run on a Raspberry Pi. 

Pi1541 provides you with an SD card solution for using D64, D81, G64, NIB and NBZ Commodore disk images on real Commodore 8 bit computers such as;-
Commodore 64
Commodore 128
Commodore Vic20
Commodore 16
Commodore Plus4

To use this item, you need:

  1. A Commodore machine
  2. A 6-pin IEC serial cable
  3. A Raspberry Pi with power
  4. A micro-SD card

Please follow the instructions on the pi1541's website to setup the SD card and uncomment the following lines in option.txt.

splitIECLines = 1

SoundOnGPIO = 1
SoundOnGPIODuration = 1000 // Length of buzz in micro seconds
SoundOnGPIOFreq = 1200 // Frequency of buzz in Hz

LCDName = ssd1306_128x64


Please feel free to contact me for any questions.