Clean & Clear Morning Energy Lemon Face Wash, 100ml Pack of 2 Total= 100X2=200ml

Clean and Clear Morning Energy Lemon Face Wash, in the net quantity of 100ml, contains Natural Lemon Extracts, rich in Vitamin C. This helps purify the skin and also helps control the oil-secretion. It brightens and evens out the skin tone. The Clean and Clear Morning Energy Lemon Face Wash contains bursting beads that revitalize the skin, giving it the boost of energy that keeps it radiant and fresh all day. This face wash purifies the skin, removing all the dirt, grime and other impurities. It penetrates deep into the skin, cleansing the pores. This leaves the skin clean and clear.

Benefits of the Clean and Clear Morning Energy Lemon Face Wash


After moistening the skin with water, apply the Clean and Clear Morning Energy Lemon Face Wash evenly onto the face and neck. Gently rub it into the skin, working up a lather. Wash off and pat dry, afterwards. For best results, use twice, on a daily basis.