Pure Nature Products 10ppm Ionic Silver

Pure Nature Products has been producing colloidal and Ionic silver products since 2010. What started as an experiment for personal use quickly turned into a large scale production for friends and family. Shortly thereafter we began producing colloidal silver products for the retail market. We produce a clear primarily ionic form of "colloidal" silver (97% ionic) in 10 and 20 parts per million, we produce amber colloidal silver in 10 and 20 parts per million.We also produce gels, sprays, creams and other colloidal silver based products. We are thrilled to offer the best products on the market at affordable prices. We test in house using equipment by Hanna Instruments. We also test using independent colloidal science laboratories to verify quality. Independent tests are costly but are worth the cost to verify the products we produce. We also have our own steam distiller in house to make sure we can start our process with absolutely pure water. 

Please contact us for any special order needs you may have. We will custom make large batch sizes and can adjust the parts per million at your request. We will ship anywhere in the world but can offer the best shipping rates to the continental US. We are located in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania so shipping is fastest on the east coast. 

Please contact us by email with any questions you have concerning any of our products.
Thank You!
