60 days. Growing about 16 inches tall, with attractive purplish wavy leaves. Disease resistant and slow bolting. The unique, spicy flavor is excellent in mixed salads or straight as its own salad or wilted like spinach or chard.
Latin Name: brassica juncea
Other Names:
Days to Maturity: 40-60
Hardiness Zone: 3-7
Temp Preference: Cooler
Light Preference: Full Sun / Tolerant to some shade
Resistances: None

A cousin to kale and collards, mustard is a tenacious leafy green but it's not as cold-hardy. Grow in clumps about 12-18 inches apart. Use straw mulch to hold in soil moisture. Start 4-6 weeks before the first frost for a fall harvest. For a spring harvest, start seeds 4 weeks ahead of the last frost. You can harvest and allow to regrow over a period of a couple weeks as long as the weather permits. Cut leafy greens 3-4 inches from the ground and allow sufficient time to regrow.