FAQ for Finance- and Luck Spells:

One of our more popular spells are finance spells. We therefore feel it is prudent to provide our clients with an FAQ concerning questions they may have as to what these kinds of spells can and can't do for them. 


Q: Will these spells help me win the lottery?
A: No. They likely won't, and the reasoning for this is simple. The odds of winning the lottery are so astronomically low, that it is even more likely that you will get hit by lightning than it is for you to win the lottery. Since magick is energy manipulation, it might slightly alter the odds in your favor, sure, but the preceding conditions necessary for you to actually win the lottery, as well as the amount of energy and consitent manipulation it would require for you to be able to reliably have any sort of chance to win the jackpot, is so incredibly ludicrous that you'd be better off just having us perform a spell to help you land a job.

Q: These spells can help me land a job then?
A: Yes, we can help you with landing a job, get started on your own business, etc., but there are several things you must keep in mind. Magick needs a vehicle in the physical to work through. This means that if you have only, for example, an Associate Degree (or whatever equivalent degree you may hold in your given country), and no previous experience at any prior job, and you wish to be hired by a company that requires several years of experience and a degree that is worth more than yours, the chances of you getting hired by this company in question are slim to none. Your expectations must be reasonable. Magick can assist you with your goals, and will make it easier for you to reach your goals, and will make it clearer for you how to get there. Often times, magick works in on you as much as it manipulates situations so that *you* start having ideas, hints, glimpses, impulses, promptings and cues that you can utilize to get the most out of your current situation and options. In this respect, magick can and will, over time, help you get to your ultimate goal, but this does not mean you no longer have to put in work. Legwork and appropriate actions at the right time on your end are still very much required! Magick is, in short, not a free ticket towards success without any input on your end.

Q: Can this spell make me rich?
A: Magick in and of itself can not make anyone rich. The previous question already addresses plenty of issues with such a desire. Furthermore, one needs to specify what "rich" means to you. Again, magick more than likely will not automatically cause a lot of money to appear in your bank account. What it *can* and *will* do, if you follow our instructions and guidance, is lead you to develop yourself and your prospects and opportunities to such an extent, that you can, over time, significantly increase your financial income.