Who will enjoy Bali Blue Moon Coffee the most?

    Indonesian coffee enthusiasts that want to try something less earthy; this Bali coffee is centered around dark chocolate instead. 
    Fans of rich coffee flavor profiles, Bali Blue Moon coffee balances dark chocolate, vanilla and spice!
    Those who prefer a coffee with minimal acidity, this smooth and creamy treat is easy on the stomach.

Indonesia Bali Blue Moon Coffee Profile


Roast:  Medium

Body:  Full, creamy, syrupy

Taste:  Rich, notes of dark chocolate, vanilla, earth & spice


Fragrance:  Intense, chocolate

Aroma:  Spicy, chocolate

Sweetness:  Moderate, vanilla

Acidity:  Minimal

Aftertaste:  Smooth & spicy


Origin(s):  Indonesia, Bali, Kintamani Highlands

Species:  Arabica

Cert(s):  Single Origin, Fair Trade