Can't afford this item? We want to help everyone if we can. Those who need our enchantments most may not be able to afford our prices. Make an offer, since Spirit guides us in all we do, including pricing. And if you purchase more than one item at the same time, we can give even deeper discounts. Please inquire!



Seeker You Have Found It

The Master Spellcasters of
Between All Worlds


the rare


Illuminati DNA Spell


A spelled talisman cast 11 times to change your life
by altering your DNA with Illuminati Genetic Magick!

Become the 1% elite to gain:


Wealth, Success, Power, Love, Sex Appeal,
Psychic And Magick Powers, High Intelligence, Victory




This ancient, authentic, secret spell is known only to the elders of BetweenAllWorlds.


Important :Before you buy this, email us for important information,
since this spell is like no other ever presented to the public!




The Illuminati have guided humankind for thousands of years. They decide what happens on the planet, whether it be war or peace, prosperity or planetwide decline. There is only one constant in their guidance: Whatever changes take place, the Illuminati always emerge more powerful, and richer than before. The game is fixed, so they always win.

But now you can win too.

Have you ever noticed that the 1% Elite, the leaders, celebrities and billionaires, have something similar about them?  Look carefully at their eyes and notice the way they conduct themselves to see something there that’s just a little bit different than most people.  And we know what it is because, in many cases, we put it there.

Yes, the 1% who are immeasurably wealthy,  beautiful, famous, powerful have everything, and every day they get more while the rest get less.  They have gotten so far ahead because their DNA has been magickally altered for immense success.  The Illuminati share specific DNA designed to bring them the wealth, power, control, and unlimited success that is the hallmark of Illuminati members. How can the average person get ahead when so many Elites, with the enhanced DNA of the Illuminati, have all the advantages over those who are stuck with their original genetic limitations?

Recombinant DNA magick, a method known only to us, harvests the genetic components of DNA from people of infinite power and unlimited success.  Then these precious genes can be spliced and bound to your DNA.

As your DNA is altered,  the wealthiest, most powerful Masters of the Illluminati’s DNA is incorporated into your genetic makeup.   You will be transformed into a person who knows how to achieve power, wealth, financial independence, money in unexpected ways, homes, cars, and career. Abundance of all kinds start coming to you in all areas of your life.  All the luck, good fortune and riches that altered DNA can bring will create joy, happiness and peace of mind.

All this wealth and abundant luck will grow and grow because the amazing thing about power and money is that the more you have the more you will receive. This is in accordance with a universal truth so well known that it is mentioned in the Bible: “For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.” (Matthew 25:29).  Today, as never before in history, we see this truth manifesting before the eyes of the world.

But your destiny is in your own hands.

Now you can be a member of the 1% who have immense riches, unlimited power,

a chosen one to whom more and more is given.





What We Will Mail You:

This power spell has been cast eleven times and bound to a new attractive talisman-pendant.   It is suitable for men or women to wear.   The pendant we send you is the perfect Magickal Vessel for this spell.  The selected talisman will vary depending on Spirit Guidance in this matter.


Considering your privacy: If we have any information or instruction we mail it with the item. However, if for privacy reasons you prefer email instead, please let us know.


Thank you for visiting BetweenAllWorlds. Remember to add us to your "Favorites" list and visit often to check out the latest one-of-a-kind magickal spells we will be offering.


You do not have to wear the talisman for the magick to work. Simply keep it near. For example, keep it in a pocket, or on your desk, or near your bed, and so forth.


You do not need to do anything to activate the magick.
No rituals or rites are needed, because we have done them all. 


All you need to do is stay positive and understand that no magick by any spellcaster works immediately. All magick  grows stronger over time as the energies bond to you.


All our spells and Spirits are 100 percent safe for you, your family, your pets, etc.

We provide free recasting for any of our spells, if needed. The manifestation period of a spell varies depending on how long it takes to bond to your energies, karmic debt and so forth. Some spells manifest quickly, while other  spells are more complex and can take months to manifest; these may need a recast for quicker activation. If, after two months, you see no signs of manifestation, contact us and we will guide you towards quicker manifestation. Please do not give us negative feedback or open a complaint with paypal until you let us guide you to success! We love to hear from our clients and will not rest until you are 100% satisfied.


The written content of this listing (excluding template components) is under copyright protection of betweenallworlds and cannot be used without the express written permission of betweenallworlds.




  • Payment is accepted only through PayPal.
  • We ask that you pay for items within seven (7) days of purchase.



Considering your privacy: If we have any information or instruction we mail it with the item. However, if for privacy reasons you prefer email instead, please let us know.

  • Shipping is free within the United States.
  • We ship First Class mail.  
  • We will combine shipping for multiple items.
  • Once we have mailed your package we will notify you that it is on its way.


Legally, we must state the following:

You must be at least 18 years old to purchase any of the items at this site.  All items sold here and all information provided here are for entertainment purposes only.  The Seller is not responsible for anything pertaining to items purchased on this site.  Results from owning and working with the items on this site are variable. There is no guarantee of paranormal or spiritual benefits for the buyer. We are not personally liable for the actions or the results of actions taken by the buyer. Each buyer makes a purchase at his or her own risk.  No items sold on this site, or information provided on this site, are meant as a substitute for professional, financial, legal, medical, psychiatric, or psychological advice, diagnosis, prevention, or treatment.  No items sold on this site, or information provided on this site, are meant as a cure for any mental or physical problem or disease.  This disclaimer applies to any written or verbal communication we have with anyone about this listing.  Purchase of any items from this site constitutes acceptance of the terms above.







Thank you for visiting BetweenAllWorlds. Remember to add us to your "Favorites" list and visit often to check out the latest one-of-a-kind magickal spells we will be offering. Until then, we wish you the brightest blessings and say "Farewell" for now.































































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