This attunement will help to heal your love relationship by balancing, repairing and healing all of the energies causing separations, distance, conflict and problems!!!

This will assist in:

Developing empathy for your partner.
Learingn to disagree in healthy and productive ways.
Demonstarting care by showing it
Always keeping the need to build the core relationship as a priority
Dealing with potential hazards before they happen.
Never forgetting about self-care.
Expressing gratitude to your partner.
Viewing love as a verb.

Sometimes men and women who’ve become distant with their partners get so focused on repairing the relationship that they forget to take care of themselves. In the first few days, this will be the first part of the healing process. Essentially, you feel so distant and separate that you think you don’t deserve any sort of internal support, enjoyment, or personal fulfillment. Instead, you throw your entire self into repairing your relationship. And while this is an admirable objective, it’s difficult to sustain and it’s not healthy in the long run.

However,  many distant partners who want to make things right become so focused on rebuilding and healing the relationship that they lose track of their own happiness. Rebuilding both individuals happiness, peace and harmony in this compatability healing will then lay the groundwork for both of you coming back together on the same wave length an channel of energies!!

Once, both of you have healed indivudally over a few days time, you will find that the two of you suddenly feel more  appreciative, grateful, empathic, understanding and tuned in to what your partners feels.  This will create a completely compatable and harmonious connection that heas healed all of the discord an separations as well as voids, tears and holes in the energy between the two of you!!  YOu will find that you and your partner are more connected, in sync and able to communicate, work together and become focused on similar goals as a result of this compatability healing!


Blessings and please allow 2- 3 days for this to full align