Gokhru (Tribulus terrestris)  100% REAL AYURVEDIC PURE & NATURAL Free Worldwide Shipping 100Gm To 1kg


The classical medicine uses the powdered form of each of the seven herbs mainly gokshura, haritaki, punarnava, deodara, lashuna, and adrak that are mixed in equal parts, each of which works together in promoting sexual and reproductive health, improving sexual desire and performance, treating erectile dysfunction and increasing libido and stamina and working as a nonhormonal bio-stimulator which upsurges the level of the male hormone testosterone.

Ayurvedic scriptures of Charaka Samhita and Sarangadhar Samhita strongly backs the use of this potent formulation for the mitigation of Prameha (i.e. urinary tract disorder). It is also extremely useful for Ashmari (i.e. urinary calculi), Vibandha (i.e. constipation), Shoola (i.e. abdominal colic), Mutrakrichra (i.e. dysuria), Anaha (i.e. bloating), Mutraghata (i.e. urinary obstruction), Deepana (enhances stomach fire), Pachana (helps in digestion), Gulma (i.e. abdominal tumours), Udara, Antravruddhi, Arsha (i.e. haemorrhoids) and several other ailments.

Gokshura, clad by the various vernacular names Goksuraka, Trikanata, Gokhru, Gokhuri, Gokshra, Devil’s thorn, Small Caltrop, Goat head, Puncture vine, Sharatte, Nerinjil, Betagokharu, Palleruveru, Bhakhra, Neggilu, Gokharu, Gokhri, Michirkand is a crucial ingredient that is useful for treating urinary disorders, PCOS, prostate gland problems, kidney problems and heart ailments. It also helps in building muscle mass, improving brain activity and boosting the libido in both men and women. It has earned the name trikanta or puncture vine since the fruit has sharp thorns along its surface which is hard enough to even puncture a cycle tyre.

Gokshura obtained from the dried fruits of the Gokshura tree which goes by the botanical name Tribulus terrestris, is a perennial plant that thrives in both cool and hot temperatures and is native to Africa, Australia, Southern Asia, and Southern Europe. The host of active constituents, alkaloids, and phytosterols make this herb a powerful diuretic and aphrodisiac remedy. Apart from urinary problems, Gokshura is beneficial for a myriad of problems including low water retention capacity, hair fall, rheumatic pain, neural problems, stress, obesity, menstruation, piles, bed wetting, and eye problems.