BEAUTIFUL FREEFORM CHRYSOCOLLA DRUZY (OR DRUSY) READY TO BE SET OR JUST ENJOYED LIKE IT IS!  THIS IS THE GEM SEEN ON SO MANY TV STARS RIGHT NOW! MANY BELIEVE THAT Chrysocolla makes a bridge of energy between the Earth and the Sky, the physical and the spiritual planes. Chrysocolla is generally associated with peace and tranquility, intuition, patience and unconditional love.

Drusy has many different spellings, but they all mean tiny quartz crystals that form within or on the surface of other stones. When ground water carrying dissolved silica is forced into a porous area of the rock, rapid cooling often occurs, causing the formation of tiny crystals on the surfaces or deep within cavities of the rock. The clear crystals often form on top of previously deposited minerals.

Approx weight: 9.5 ct
Approx size: 20mm tall; 11mm at the widest part