Hand Picked List: The Beatles

"The Fab Four"
Brought to you by AudiLee
Main category Entertainment Memorabilia | View count 462 | Clickthrough count 475
Published on 03/22/23

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AudiLee says: March 22, 2023

Hi :) 1980.. I was on the road moving to Michigan when we heard the news on the radio about John. It was 2 days before my birthday. It shocked the world… what a senseless death. R.I.P. John and George, now there are two.

Starfisher says: March 23, 2023

I liked them all, seems like Yesterday! Great songs, great memories.

vintagesuffolk says: March 23, 2023

My grandmother was so in awe of the Beatles.She would point at the women at the concerts on TV crying and she would say ‘look at that’! I loved them too.

VintageVarietyShop says: March 23, 2023

I was starting my senior year in high school when they were really getting popular and had so many hits in the “top 40”. I loved all their early stuff, not so much the later. I think I liked George the best. Lots of great choices Audi, and great memories!

quadrina says: March 23, 2023

“We love you Yah Yah Yah!!!” What a fun list Audi and great idea. Thanks so much for adding my Hard Day’s Night silk tie to your awesome list. Always appreciated …… from quadrina :)

AudiLee says: March 27, 2023

Hi Starry Jan, sounds like the name of a song.. LOL! vintage, you sound really young or else you’re grandma was just a super-cool older lady :D My sis was a teenager when they were getting popular, she loved them too. She said Ringo was her favorite but also loved them all. quadrina, that sounds like a song too LOL. They wrote so many great songs!!

Robin1 says: March 28, 2023


AudiLee says: March 28, 2023

Hi Robin, thanks! :)

bvaughnfamily says: March 29, 2023

Great list!
I like your collections of significant people or groups that have impacted our world :)
I agree – senseless death.

AudiLee says: March 29, 2023

Hi bvauhn, thanks so much <3 The Beatles surely were one of them!

Elizavella_Designs says: April 06, 2023

awesome collection :)