What would compel you to buy a "3d" television today?

Based on the current technology, [URL removed] ,what would compel you to buy a 3d television today?

asked almost 14 years ago

29 Answers

I wouldn’t buy one of the 3-D tv’s that are out now. I do not want to have to wear glasses in my own house to watch tv. I do think that before too much longer they will come out with 3-D tv’s that will not require glasses. Nintendo is already coming out with their portable game system that will be 3-D without the use of glasses. My opinion is… don’t waste your money on first generation 3-D tv’s! You will end up paying a ton of money for something that will be completely obsolete in a very short period of time.

answered almost 14 years ago

a 3D does not appeal to me at all but then again, there are buyers that do appreciate this. Especially the college buyers…

answered almost 14 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

A fifth of good Vodka and an infomercial at 3AM.

answered almost 14 years ago

Personally, I would strongly recommend against buying one today.

First, technology only improves with time (and the first models are usually the least sophisticated and advanced).

Second, certain technical standards are still “up for grabs” until a technology develops a bit (remember video tapes, when Beta and VHS were both contenders? same has happened with many other standards over time).

Third, technology (TVs, computers, other electronics) is one of the only areas where the definite trend is for prices to decrease—significantly—over time (remember when a clunky basic calculator cost $50 and a computer $50,000? ah yes, that was around 1970).

Fourth, with 3D TVs, while the idea is great (and will no doubt develop and become more sophisticated over time), the biggest problem is that there is really NO 3D BROADCASTING at this point in time.

Why spend money (more than you will later) to buy a device with an uncertain and untested standard that will only be better, cheaper, and MORE USEFUL in the future?

I’d wait! :-D

answered almost 14 years ago

The Price!

answered almost 14 years ago

Well just got an Insignia LCD-LED and the picture is Crazy Awesome!

I don’t need one now! So no compelling of me.

answered almost 14 years ago

No. I am not a big television person.

answered almost 14 years ago

I don’t like the 3D tV idea because you have to wear the glasses. You would need a pair for each person watching the TV and I heard they are expensive.

answered almost 14 years ago

blind in one eye! All 3-D is pointless for me!

however, hubby and kid are thinking about it.

right now is cost, the fact that each person needs glasses, the fact that the viewer needs to be in certain location for full effect, which means a room full of people watching ‘the game’ is not going to work if only a one or two can actually get a good view.

Right now we are ‘waiting’ on a few more ‘technical’ break throughs.

But as I said, for me it’s a total no go!

answered almost 14 years ago

Hey Trinket! I have the same affliction!—otherwise, I’d already be on that 3-D like a crazed monkey on a cupcake! I’m a techno-moron with all the toys…too bad, 3-D anything won’t be my cup ‘O tea…[anyone want to buy a Toshiba hi-def player [2!], a JVC DVD-Audio player, or a Samsung SACD player???]. But, like ’the Seller’ has already said—you’ll need those glasses for everyone in the room…at 100 bux a pop [slightly less for the kids version]—we’re talking some serious ‘extra’ money!…And you just know they’ll come out with those halographic sets where we’ll be totally immersed in the action…all 4 walls will be our screens—but, at what cost? Always wait until the prices come down!!! Speaking of which, my good ‘ol Sony hi-def projection set suddenly croaked on me a couple of months ago—I replaced it with an LG THX certed 1080P/240 hz set…with the LCD lighting—holy cow-burgers! Even with one ’slightly used’ eyeball—I’m just say’n—WOW! It was like seeing for the 1st time!

answered almost 14 years ago

If I was offered FREE a choice of a LCD TV or a 3D TV I would choose the LCD TV.

answered almost 14 years ago

Reputation: 14
See bmtoys' booth

Low Price and a drawer full of 3D DVD’s.

I think there is only one 3D TV on the market now. Will this new idea take or go by way of 8 Track.

Very expensive.

answered almost 14 years ago

I think we, as a society, are “teching” ourselves to death. Nothing would compel me to buy a 3D. Television is supposedly for entertainment. If you want to see true 3D….go outside and take a good look around you.

answered almost 14 years ago

More money than sense .

answered almost 14 years ago


answered almost 14 years ago

Absolutely nothing!

answered almost 14 years ago

My husband and I are looking to replace our TV and quite honestly, buying a 3-D TV makes no sense. The only film that ever used it well and convincingly was Avatar. Nothing since has done anything to validate the technology and make it a must have. All we’re getting is a bunch of senseless “me too”s. When I was head of advertising at American Express I remember asking a well known computer company’s top executive whether the myriad of features they asked us to promote relative to their new product were built into the equipment because they could or because there was a reason for them to be there. The response was 100% honest, it was because they could. Techno companies need to really think about what we consumers need and want rather than trying to foist on us what they have that is either useless or makes no sense to us at all.

Also, when I think of sitting in front of my TV wearing plastic, ill fitting glasses I do not equate that with relaxation so good luck convincing me. Give me a clear, sharp picture and great sound and you’ve done your job at entertaining me. Now, if you could get some of the hot stars of cable TV to jump out of the TV and sit next to me, then we can talk about it.

answered almost 14 years ago

It would have to be free.
3-D can cause seizures and long term health- eye issues.
Just a great DLP tv – easy remote and fun to watch- of course to flip with a key on the laptop to see you tube funnies to freebie movies and of course to see listed items on BONANZLE clearer!
Sometimes too many bells and whistles is obnoxious – just another gadget – one day TV and the net will look 3-d with out goofy glasses and messing with neurons in the brain.
How about some real shows instead of BORING reality shows?
MAD MEN- cant wait- will take Jon Hamm in clear DLP as JEWELSPEAK SAYS.
or even Denzel to Cary Grant – :) older retro can be better yah know?!

answered almost 14 years ago

Nothing would compel me to buy it today, tomorrow, next year, or ever. I still have a turntable and play albums every now and then, if that tells you anything.

answered almost 14 years ago

Reputation: 127
See Indizona's booth


answered almost 14 years ago

3D makes me feel a little “seasick” at first, so no …. nothing would compel me to purchase one.

answered almost 14 years ago

maybe…and only maybe…if I hit the Lottery. I like my old tech stuff still. Have Lps and a record player still! Don’t want to have to wear glasses to watch tv, seems silly, I have regular glasses in the first place, I guess these others would fit over my prescription ones??

answered almost 14 years ago

If there was a show starring Carmen Electra in a Ferarri, then maybe.

answered almost 14 years ago

Nothing I bet in time they will make one were you don’t have to use the glasses. :)

answered almost 14 years ago

Not a chance, Zero, Zilch, Not a snow balls chance in, well You know where.

answered almost 14 years ago

no I sure wouldn’t… anyway with it being new.. there will be bugs to work out and my puter nerd son says just wait for the game that is coming out for it

answered almost 14 years ago

I have no interest in anything 3d. Wearing the glass are a negative for me. For those who like it they should get one, hey you only live once so get what you want while you can.

answered almost 14 years ago

Absolutely Nothing Would Compel me to Buy a 3D Television, I don’t have time or make time to watch TV all that much, plus the FACT is you HAVE to wear those Silly Glasses…LOL…I tell you there are times Technology actually seems to go BACKwards a bit too [URL removed] Oh Well, if Something SEEMS like it would sell, chances are it’ll get Marketed, right? But a 3D TV w/Glasses is listed under ’’Ridiculous’’ in My Book of Things to Simply Laugh at and about in This old World! JMHO Dee :^

answered almost 14 years ago

When I imported and nationally sold consumer electronics gear, we loved consumers who had to have the latest equipment that would soon be outdated. We’d say these buyers “had more dollars than sense”

answered almost 14 years ago

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Viewed: 4251 times

Asked: almost 14 years ago

Latest response: almost 14 years ago

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