
So how do all of you manage Pinterest to the point where you feel it best benefits marketing your product listings?

I’d like to hear what each of you has to say. There’s no right or wrong answer, so please do share.

I’ve attempted Pinterest in the past and have just started to recently “try” and get more serious about it while having a little fun at the same time. :)

asked almost 11 years ago

5 Answers

I love Pinterest and use in addition to other social media. I enjoy looking at the creativity of different boards and pins, and can always find something enjoyable.
I think Pinterest boards need to be done slowly over several weeks to garner interest, and to have followers look forward to the ‘next pin’. Even after completed, a few pins should be added from time to time. I think other than special event promotions, that boards should tell a story and be as imaginative as possible. If someone likes one of your boards, it is likely they will look at all of them, so create just for fun boards, not all product. Find your interests or passions and create boards about them.
When completed, tweet your boards, you may get re-tweets from Shopinterest which I have had on several occasions. Tweet your fun boards as well as business boards.
With millions of users, it is a wonderful marketing tool.

answered almost 11 years ago

I use it sporadically, and therefore probably not as effectively as possible.

I have my products broken down into roughly category lists – Biker Gear, Wholesale Lots, Women’s Fashions, etc. Also have a list or two that reflects my personal interests – one about pitbulls, for instance, especially those in need of homes (as you can tell from the picture, I’m partial…lol).

In any case, I’ve been posting to all of the boards more frequently, and as I’ve done so I’ve seen more views coming from Pinterest, and have also had more people either re-pinning or beginning to follow my lists…so it apparently is generating traffic…and anything that does that is all to the good!

answered almost 11 years ago

I use Pinterest a little, have items broken down to afghans, cool pics I find online, craft books, etc. I don’t have a category just for Bonanza but so far it works for me.

answered almost 11 years ago

I use it, and that is all that I can say.

answered almost 11 years ago

Thank you all for sharing. This is great information.

I see that Gifts4u2 and LowerWholesale (and perhaps Norma and MyTexas) use categories, if I understood right, as a way to organize in how you pin. Before I posted this conversation I had started a Baby board for baby products, baby clothing, etc. I figure as I add more related listings I can just go to this board to pin and this will help to speed things up in promoting as I list.

MyTexas, thanks for sharing your thoughts on pinning over several weeks. I admit that when pinning I get the feeling that I need to hurry up and do a board. It makes sense that in order to create a beautiful and/or interesting board that it takes time….like all good things.

I like quotes, so for the baby board I found a site on Google that has baby quotes. Behind the quotes are images pertaining to babies. So, I pinned one of those. Plus I figure it gives the author credit for their quote since it had their name on it.

Question, when naming the pin do you just pick and choose keywords from the title’s listing or do you get creative in what you say…do you or don’t you include some keywords from the listing’s title?

Also, is there something I need to be looking out for when pinning. For example, if something is copyrighted and belongs to someone else, is there a way for me to know this so that I do not pin it. Or like for the example I gave further up above on pinning the quote with the image and the author’s name, was this okay to do? After I pinned it, a pop up on Pinterest said that it had been pinned 347 times approximately by other pinners.

Oh, and I got 3 more followers not long after starting the baby board, which is funny because I’ve only got 2 things pinned to it lol. Is this kind of fast following normal?

I am still very eager to hear more comments, so please participate if you like.

answered almost 11 years ago


MyTexasTreasures says: June 17, 2013

I use themes more than categories, and pin some of items to that don’t fit in a current theme. If I create a board for another seller, I use the store name as the title for Google organic indexing.

MyTexasTreasures says: June 17, 2013

as far as titles, again, it depends on what I am trying to accomplish, Google indexing or getting Pinterest members to the board. Quotes are great, and get re-pinned a lot. People love baby things-good job.

HavensRainbow says: June 17, 2013

Thanks MyTexas. I will make sure to use themes, especially in creating boards that show my interests like when it comes to nature. From back when I first started taking a stab at this, I’ve got a few theme boards going on.

HavensRainbow says: June 17, 2013

This leads me to my next question, is it wise to go back through from time to time and delete old pins. Like say for pins I did on people’s product listings. The only thing is that there is no way to know if that listing has sold unless I click on every one of them![URL removed] How do you do it?

lowerwholesale says: June 17, 2013

I tend to use the item’s title for the pin … it speeds things up and, since I try to create keyword-rich titles, it’s also Google friendly. I do go in from time to time and delete items that aren’t available any more.

HavensRainbow says: June 17, 2013

Thank you LowerWholesale. I notice that if I have to sit and think about which keywords to name a pin that it takes me time to think of it…..and time is money, so I’ll have to (for the most part) go with the title for the listing.

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