What do i do when i order some items and i don't receive all of them

I placed an order i didn’t receive them 2to3 days like they said and when I did receive my order I didn’t receive all of my items

asked over 4 years ago

Reputation: 10
2 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

We recommend that you email the seller by clicking “send message” located on the order. Sellers will normally respond within 24-48 hours.

If you need additional support please email our award-winning support team and they will be glad to assist you. [email protected]

answered over 4 years ago

One other thing, just because the shipping info or even the seller say 2 to 3 days delivery, once its out of the sellers hands its up to the post office or whoever the shipper is on how long it takes to deliver as there could be many delays with the shipper and has nothing to do with the seller.

answered over 4 years ago

1 Comment

ccmom says: September 16, 2019

also have to add in the seller’s handling time and weekends

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Asked: over 4 years ago

Latest response: over 4 years ago

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